Discover Your Place in Our Family of God

The Three Voices Presbyterian Church is a family of faith ... Serving God together is our vision and it is our guide. From that vision, we commit to this mission - To faithfully love and serve our communities just as Jesus serves us, by being there for others through .......
Music and WorshipThrough worship and music, we gather to hear God's word proclaimed, to sing the praises of God, and to recommit ourselves to serving God and serving others through prayer. Our weekly Bible Studies cover many topics aimed at promoting discipleship and spiritual growth.
Mission and OutreachThere are many opportunities to get involved in a variety of outreach and mission projects at the Three Voices. From helping with monthly free community dinners to working with local food banks, ministering to veterans, providing prison ministries and aiding global needs, mission and outreach play a vital role within our community of faith. |
Christian FellowshipAt the Three Voices we are so blessed that we are a close Christian community, and to be together, not just side by side as we worship the same God, but truly together. We all encourage each other, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and share joys and sorrows. Through Christian love, we help each person who comes to the Three Voices Congregation experience a sense of belonging and Christ-centered love!